Like, wickedly bad :(
I've got two horses I can ride, sure.
The one mare, Magic, is used as a lesson horse several days of the week, so my times to ride her are fairly limited, she also has a bit of a mechanical lameness due to a club foot, so we are careful how much work she does do. But she's a fun ride, and considering I've only been riding her 1-2 times a week, has improved in LEAPS and BOUNDS!! She's gone from not knowing how to move off the leg resistant to the bit/bridle, rushing, nonrhythmic.... to being able to bend both directions and easily change the bend, to yeilding to the bit and carrying herself in a nice, relaxed manner, to keeping a steady rhythmic walk and trot, her turns on the forehand are dang near perfect, and she is learning what a leg-yeild is now. Fast learner she is, just a little stubborn now and then lol.
The other mare is a GEM, a 22yr old TB called Baby, just a wonderful wonderful horse. She's super solid in her training, sound, LOVES to be ridden, and just knows it all through Third level in dressage, and I hopped her over a little 2'6" ish jump (was probably a hair under) and she just flew over it without so much as blinking. Her only flaw is she's rather herd bound... mares! Me and her owner are tag teaming to get her in shape to try and do some dressage schooling shows with her. I'm giving lessons to her owner and teaching her how to ride a dressage test. I really enjoy riding Baby, and pretty much had her to myself for awhile... but now her owner is discovering too how much Baby really knows, and is riding her more and more, which I think is GREAT! But, unfortunately, that leaves less opportunity for me to ride her. Darn it. LOL
So yeah, I'm really really REALLY missing having my own horse, to ride when I want, how I want, doing what I want, without having to always clear it with someone beforehand :-/
I am thankful, don't get me wrong, to have the opportunities I do to ride two sweet mares. But yeah, I've always had MY horse for years, and now I'm without and it's gnawing at me big time. At the barn I clean stalls at a new mare has arrived, she's a redhead with chrome (I'd prefer bay... but the chrome!!), beautifully put together, long clean legs with good bone, a streamline body, she screams TBxWB cross, emphasis on the TB without the ridiculous withers lol. In short, she's gorgeous, with an AMAZING trot, and I bet she could really gallop out. In short, I think she'd be a superb eventer. I'm sure she's for sale... but I know her owner probably wants and arm & a leg for her *rolls eyes* I'm sooooo tempted though to say "hey, tell the owner if she ever wants her horses evented... lemme know!"
So, that's where I'm at horsey wise. Though, cross your fingers, baby plans for a 2012 foal maaaaaaaaaay work out. Once I am able to contact the stallion owner I'll know more :) So, we shall see. We shall see.
I still want a horse of my own to ride right now though!!!!
Thursday, September 29, 2011
I want my own horse....
0Posted on 9:00 PM by Unknown
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