Sunday, January 30, 2011

Well this stinks


Ugh, life...

So yesterday went pretty well until about 5 o'clock. It was nice and warm, unseasonably warm, ate breakfast, watched a movie with the kids, went to lunch at the in-laws house (and I love my in-laws by the way!), then I took off to the barn to get my chores done while they went to the pool, got done with the barn, then went to the grocery store to get stuff for dinner, chicken alfredo was on the menu. I'm feeling pretty good about things, well I'd been home not but 3 minutes when I get a call from my husband. The first thing he tells me is "Sweetheart, I just got in a wreck."

....... "what"

I felt like I'd been slammed into a brick wall. My heart sank. It was just a minor fender bender, and nobody hurt, but because he was the car at the end that couldn't stop fast enough when the ones in front braked unexpectedly, he is, in the eyes of the law, the one who "caused" the accident... i'm not looking forward to seeing what insurance is going to be :(. And, the cost of repairs for the front bumper on the car will likely be LESS than what our deductible is, so to put it simply, we probably aren't going to get squat from insurance, in fact, they are only going to be getting more $$ from us. Personally, I think insurance is a big fat scam to rid you of all your money, and you still have to pay to fix your car. Ugh.

Well, I had to scramble and find insurance information at the house, because apparently the card he had with him was showing an expired date, when it's really not. Lovely. So I rushed off with that paperwork and sat with him and the kids for almost 2 hours waiting for all the paperwork to get completed by the police. I read books to the kids and did my best to keep their minds off their hungry tummies, they were gettin grumpy. Needless to say, the chicken alfredo got nixed, we ordered pizza instead.

And to top off this wonderful evening, we got home and inspected the work that a handyman had done during the day on the deteriorating floor in the laundry room, the floor was fixed, but the guy forgot to re-install the vent for the dryer. The hose is UNDERNEATH the house in the crawlspace. What an idiot. My husband called and had a not-so-nice chat with the guy, he's coming back today to fix his work and clean up the trash in the backyard. To say he was un-professional would be an understatement.

Today I'm stuck at work all day, I really really really don't want to be here. But oh well, I've gotta, every penny counts now. Probably for the best, hubby and I are both very stressed about this and rather snappy in mood, we do need time to chill about things apart from each, just wish my "chill" time wasn't taking cancel calls at work. Maybe I'll type up a post about Pie inbetween calls, to cheer me up.


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