Sunday, April 28, 2013

Mud, Showoff, Forward, Rolex, Shopping!


How's that for a title? So now that all the snow has finally melted and it's not a muddy mess everywhere, I can actually work with my horse! Fancy that. Though... I did have to deal with this first: Lovely, ain't it? Yesterday I lunged and rode, we were sharing the arena initially with another rider who was on this super sweet little QH mare named Ladybug.  Well, everytime Cash would pass Lady while on the lunge he would puff himself up, arch his neck, and start prancing about.  He was being such a goof!! What a ham. It did help in that it got him going a bit more forward.  Under saddle he was just very very stuck.  I...

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Jurassic Park 3D


I went to go see Jurassic Park in 3D with my mom and brother this last weekend and I just have to write about it! It was that good, and that much fun! I love Jurassic Park to begin with, and as we scrolled through the list of movies playing nothing seemed interesting but that.  And I'm so glad we went.  If you haven't, and if you like the movie at all, you should go! It is TEN times better in theater, in 3D. The movie itself was groundbreaking when it first came out, and even today, it still can hold it's own against the latest and newest CGI technology.  The animation, anamatronics, and acting just came together to create...

Monday, April 22, 2013

Go away winter!


I am so ready for summer to get here! So we had a relatively dry and somewhat mild winter, and we were all starting to get nervous that we would plunge into a far more severe drought than last year.  But, old man winter has decided to finally open the heavens.  A week ago we got well over a foot of snow in 3 days, it just wouldn't stop snowing! While snow in April is not unusual, the volume of it this time was quite amazing!  My backyard on the first day of the storm... I had twice as much by the end of it!  As a result, with it quickly melting off, it has been a muddy muddy mess and I've just been too busy to get to the...

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

One Month


Hard to believe, as of today it's been one month since my husband passed away.  I miss him terribly.  Probably always will miss him.  I still can't believe he's gone, it's so bizarre--having someone who is apart of every moment of your life--and they are just gone, no longer there.  But, I'm moving on, slowly but surely.  Building a new routine, new expectations, new habits, new way of running the house. I went this last weekend to the wedding of the lady who taught me how to ride, she is and always will be an amazing friend, teacher, and mentor.  All I can say is: IT WAS SO MUCH FUN.  :)  Feels good to say something like that.  The wedding was so perfect, so unique, and so her.  At the reception they had Contra Dancing.  Yeehaw! ...

Thursday, April 4, 2013

Dental Visit


Mr Cash got his teeth floated yesterday.  There wasn't anything horrible, just some minor points, so we got that all taken care of and he's good to go for the next year.  He also got his mane pulled while he was off in la-la land dreaming of psychedelic rainbows and fluffy bunnies. You are getting very sleepy... Say ah! Starting to perk back up, note the short hair?  Notice the stud chain? The other day he was royally blowing off the rope halter, so I decided today I didn't want to fight it with him and put the stud chain on.  I haven't ever used it before.  He got a little ancy a few times when the vet was...

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